Private Products
In addition to Multiple Peril Crop Insurance, AgriSompo offers a wide variety of other plans, including Crop Hail, named peril coverage, and our exclusive private products.
Our line of private products is designed to work in conjunction with a producer’s MPCI policy to provide the greatest risk protection package in the most cost-effective manner.

Crop Hail
AgriSompo offers a wide range of hail protection options. Each plan provides against direct losses caused by hail, fire, and lightning.

Replant Option
Replant Option policies supplement MPCI replant policies and offer insureds greater protection in the event of replanting.

BAND Coverage
BAND coverage is a risk management tool that protects against shallow losses and provides reliable input cost recovery. With BAND, a lower deductible translates to a higher trigger for the producer’s indemnity, providing support exactly when it’s needed.

Crop Hail Protection Plan (CHPP)
AgriSompo’s CHPP plans protect the portion of insureds’ crops that may be exposed with traditional MPCI Yield and Revenue policies. CHPP plans can insure up to 120% of an insured’s APH.

Xtra Bundle
The Xtra bundle combines Agrisompo’s most popular plans into one affordable package.

Grain Fire
This policy protects against loss due to fire and lightning before harvest and while the crop is in the harvester.