Federal Products
AgriSompo is committed to offering and servicing the Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) policies made available through the Federal Crop Insurance Program. We strive to always go beyond the policy of the available federal products with our passion for service, relationship-building, innovation, and efficiency.
All MPCI products are subsidized by the Federal Crop Insurance Program. A range of policies cover loss of crop yields from all types of natural causes including drought, excessive moisture, freeze, and disease. Some coverage options combine yield protection and price protection to guard famers against potential losses in revenue, whether due to low yields or changes in market price.

Actual Production History (APH)
APH plans protect against losses in yield due to most natural disasters.

Annual Forage
The AF plan provides drought coverage for acreage planted each year and grown for haying, grazing, or silage.

The U.S. currently produces about 150 million pounds of honey each year. The Apiculture plan protects against a decrease in plant growth and vigor, which are directly tied to honey production.

Area Protection
Area Risk plans function similarly to Revenue and Yield Protection policies, but coverage is based on the experience of the area instead of the individual policyholder’s experience.

Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO)
ECO offers area-based coverage for a portion of the underlying CCIP plan’s deductible. It covers a band from 86% up to 90 or 95% of expected crop value.

Our Livestock plans are designed to protect prices and gross margins on livestock.

Margin Protection
Margin Protection protects against unexpected decreases in margin caused by reduced county yields, reduced commodity prices, increased price of selected inputs, or any combination of these perils.

This plan is specifically designed to protect nursery plants grown in the field or in containers.

Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage (PRF)
The PRF plan protects against drought for farmers and ranchers who rely on pasture, rangeland, and/or forage for haying and grazing.

Stacked Income Protection (STAX)
STAX is a product that provides protection against naturally occurring events which cause county revenue to fall below a designated amount.

Supplemental Coverage Option
SCO protects against county-wide yield or revenue loss by covering a portion of the underlying CCIP plan’s deductible.

Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP)
WFRP allows producers to cover their entire farming operation with a single insurance product.