20 in '23:
Trent Nauholz

Several AgriSompo team members will celebrate their twenty-year service anniversaries in 2023.

This month, let’s learn more about Trent Nauholz, Senior Vice President of Analytics.

Trent joined the crop insurance industry straight out of college – it’s the only career he’s ever had. He began as a claim auditor, did a stint in IT, and has mainly been involved in operations and leadership roles since then. In his current role in Analytics, he enjoys learning new things on an almost daily basis. There is so much data involved with the crop insurance program, and his team continues to discover new ways to analyze it and keep it fresh.

Trent feels the best managers in any business lead by example. They will roll up their sleeves and help perform any task the department needs to accomplish. The best teams put aside titles, seniority, and expertise to do whatever it takes to get the job done.

If asked to provide a piece of advice to someone just starting out in this business, Trent has a simple suggestion – put in the work and good things will happen. Whether it’s your work life or personal life, if you do the work necessary to be successful, success will find you.