20 in '23:
Mark Moore

Several AgriSompo team members will celebrate their twenty-year service anniversaries in 2023.

This month, let’s learn more about Mark Moore, Disputed Claims Specialist.

Mark earned his Bachelor of Science and his Master of Science degrees in Agricultural Economics Finance at Texas Tech University before returning to work his family farm and livestock operation. He farmed large acreage in several counties and had many livestock and poultry enterprises. In the late 1990s, before GMO varieties were accepted and increased yields, he struggled to grow profitable irrigated cotton in the Texas high plains. His crop insurance agent had previously mentioned to him that there was a lack of quality crop hail adjusters in that area — his agent suggested he start adjusting to supplement his farming income.

Mark attended a claims adjuster school in Dallas the week after terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center towers in September of 2001. To say he started his new side hustle at a memorable time is quite an understatement.

After his training, he began adjusting claims on a per diem basis and found he really enjoyed his interactions with farmers. At that time, ARMtech was growing rapidly and looking for good claim auditors. Buckles Bryant reached out to Mark to assist as Mark had always been a proactive learner of proper policies and procedures. He took the initiative to learn all he could about specialty crop claims and Buckles eventually offered him a full-time position.

He took the leap and left full-time farming for full-time auditing and adjusting. Since that period, he’s worked closely with IT to develop and test various quality adjustment procedures in AgriNet Adjuster, as well as other system enhancements.

When asked if he misses farming, he says he doesn’t miss tending to his livestock in the winter at all, and he really enjoys his climate-controlled office while he works. He appreciates how essential crop insurance is to farmers' and ranchers’ viability and livelihood and feels good about what he does to help the agriculture industry.

Mark thinks the best managers he’s worked with have been hands off — they point in the right direction but allow people to proactively plan out and perform their own job responsibilities. He believes the best teams communicate well so everyone is on the same page. And finally, when asked what piece of advice he’d give to someone just starting out in his field, he suggests being proactive with your work and thinking outside the box. Don’t be afraid to try a new way of doing something.