Silver Circle Award for Customer Service

Have you received exceptional customer service from an AgriSompo employee? Let us know so they can be commended.

At AgriSompo, we pride ourselves on a deeply-rooted commitment to customer service and support. We want to recognize members of our team who have distinguished themselves in the pursuit of that commitment.

That's why we've created the Silver Circle Award for Customer Service: a new way to acknowledge our team members who exceed expectations and provide our clients with truly exceptional service.

AgriSompo employees may be nominated for the Silver Circle Award for Customer Service by agents, policyholders, and fellow employees. Winners will be announced on a quarterly basis. 

To learn more about the performance we aim to recognize, click here.

To nominate an AgriSompo employee for the Silver Circle Award for Customer Service using our online form, click here.

To download the submission form as a PDF, click here.